Sunday, April 08, 2007

ThE BiG FaT InDiAn WeDDiNg

I was supposed to write this a long time back but now that i hav my sessionl 2moro so hav lots of tim 4 writing ....hehehhe

TIME :- 22 TO 26 FEB 2007

For the first time in my life I was waiting 4 a train that was on time . We have been planning this trip 4 a long time ... actually frm four months ,the day we were told about the marriage . It was more then a marriage ,after a long time we all were going 2gethr 4 a trip . GAurav was all charged up with his goofy smile telling about hte fun times that were 2 follow in the coming days . Ankit was in a state of shock as he wasn't able 2 find his "PUDIA "( paan masala ) ne where while abheek ws lookng 4 a opening 2 crack som PJ's ....

So the 10 hr journey came to an end as we reached jammu station .It ws raining ant the weather ws chilly . The three day schedule was supposed 2 hav many outings as per our plans bt didnt happen .... LAZY US !!!!

Day 1:--
This was the day we arrived in jammu . Our rooms were all set and all of us were looking forward for a fun filled evening ahead . The host for the nite were our GROOM to be .... AMIT jijaaji . There was a Dj with a dancing floor that Had lights all over it . As accepted we hd a blast with ABHISHEK showing his new moves which were really nice .

Day 2:- MARRIAGE day ---

10 in the morning and all of us were in our suits nd kurta . The venue was a half an hour drive from where we were staying . This ws no ordinary venue , it was actually a palace that was situated rite in front of a overlooking valley . The setup ws straight frm story book . It ws jst perfect . The two famlies were completly different frm each other . The groom's side were kashmiri pandits nd the bride side ws maraathi's . The intresting thing ws that they were using different languages 4 conversation . We THE UPians were only familier with hindi nd were nt able 2 undrstand a single word of both marathi nd kashmiri .It ws quite funny actually as somtimes we wud jst nodd our head up nd down without even knoing wt were we told .

Day 3 :- Reception

Ankit and gaurav went back to delhi as they hd there paprs the nxt dys ... So abheek n me with ofcorse our host ABHISHEK were left bck . the venue was the same place but now with a bigger coverage area . The gathering ws huge nd the fun part ws that we didnt knew a single soul there . With jijaji looking handsom as usual and didi jst amazing . Lots to eat .... heard that the CHICKEN ws mouth watering (well i am a veggie) . As the day ended so did our trip .
What happened afer that ws somthing i wont forget .... THE RETURN BCK TRIP ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.