Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ExIsTaNcE Of " LOVE "

Does LOVE really exist ??? a very intriguing Question ....... At first the answer is straight forward and most probably YES . Looking at the other side people will think there is nothing like LOVE ,its just one person getting attracted to the other or in other words infatuation.Be it his/her way of talking , smiling , moving or the way they look .But I ask if that so then why are we not falling in love with some film star or a model ??? they have great looks and and lots and lots of success to go with it . So for those who think that LOVE is something that is just a attraction then think again .
LOVE cannot be defined , think of it as asking the meaning of meaning ..... you will never be able to explain it in words . LOVE is somthing that just happens , there is no predefined rules to it (if there are then please tell me !!) .LOVE is trusting someone with your life knowing that it could destroy you . Well you have to be in LOVE to belive what I am saying . For me Love has always been something special ,something that does not happen easily but when it does I shore go all YAHOOOOO .
" YOU ALWAYS FALL IN LOVE " - well its a strange statment but looking it deeply you will realise that it is quite true ...... love never rises you the more you resist it the deeper you will be in it . so does these few lines explain LOVE?????


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