Sunday, February 11, 2007


Loosing - a very powerful word , makes u realise that nothing comes easy in life . Nothing is taken for granted . It will make you feel misrible , sad , forces you to think about the fears that you face ,fear of not being sucessful or not being able to do what is accpected from you . On understanding the true meaning of "LOOSING" i realise that it has made me learn what I could never had ,made me think of things which i never understood.You only understand the importance of somthing when you loose it.
I have lost mant things in life but the thing I regrect most of loosing is myself . People around you change so did I but the change made me loose a very important part of me my life . Now every thing is so fake .Pretending to be somone which I am not is not difficult but being what you are and preserving it is the HARDEST .I hope somday to break this mask which i have put on me and show every one who i really am and what i really want in life . I just want to be free ...... free from every thing that had made me what I am today . When i think of what have I done in life then there is nothing to tell ,to boast about but i think of those days when i used to think what will I do in life then i realise that there were lots of dreams ,lots of aims that i had in life but still not able to fulfil them.

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